Ok, everybody. The blog is up and running. You have been invited as an author and you can now start posting. So, what are you supposed to do???
As we talked about last Thursday, a very important component of this class is keeping up with current events, particularly as they relate to the U. S. government and politics. You should be reading, listening to, watching the news several times a week. Vary your sources of news and vary the perspectives of the sources you use. Everybody has a slant. Expose yourself to lots of different angles on the news: liberal, conservative, and in-between.
By Tuesday of each week, you should post a short summary on the blog of an important news story of the week. It will help others in the class if you link to your source (if you're using an online source).
For example, I just watched "The Caucus" - a video feature on the NY Times Politics page. Scroll down on that page and see the video box in the right hand column. You can listen to a variety of stories. I just heard one about how government officials, President Obama, NY governor Andrew Cuomo, NJ governor Chris Christy, and NY city mayor Michael Bloomberg all reacted to the impending problems associated with Hurricane Irene. It was an interesting piece that highlights the involvement of government at different levels in responding to a natural disaster; the use of the media and the differing comfort levels of leaders with media coverage; and the impact of an office holder's perceived concern or lack thereof to a natural disaster on his subsequent political fortunes. Lots of food for thought. Lots of links to what we are going to be talking about over the course of this year.
Here's a link to the NYTimes Politics page. Go here.
If you don't know how to post a link, let me know. But I'm sure you all are more web saavy than me and can figure it out!
OK, your first current events post is due by Tuesday, September 6. You can post before then, but that's the first deadline.
One more instruction for posting - when you post, you will notice at the bottom of the post a spot where you can add a label to your post. I'd like each of you to put your name in that box so I can isolate your posts. Thanks!
As we talked about last Thursday, a very important component of this class is keeping up with current events, particularly as they relate to the U. S. government and politics. You should be reading, listening to, watching the news several times a week. Vary your sources of news and vary the perspectives of the sources you use. Everybody has a slant. Expose yourself to lots of different angles on the news: liberal, conservative, and in-between.
By Tuesday of each week, you should post a short summary on the blog of an important news story of the week. It will help others in the class if you link to your source (if you're using an online source).
For example, I just watched "The Caucus" - a video feature on the NY Times Politics page. Scroll down on that page and see the video box in the right hand column. You can listen to a variety of stories. I just heard one about how government officials, President Obama, NY governor Andrew Cuomo, NJ governor Chris Christy, and NY city mayor Michael Bloomberg all reacted to the impending problems associated with Hurricane Irene. It was an interesting piece that highlights the involvement of government at different levels in responding to a natural disaster; the use of the media and the differing comfort levels of leaders with media coverage; and the impact of an office holder's perceived concern or lack thereof to a natural disaster on his subsequent political fortunes. Lots of food for thought. Lots of links to what we are going to be talking about over the course of this year.
Here's a link to the NYTimes Politics page. Go here.
If you don't know how to post a link, let me know. But I'm sure you all are more web saavy than me and can figure it out!
OK, your first current events post is due by Tuesday, September 6. You can post before then, but that's the first deadline.
One more instruction for posting - when you post, you will notice at the bottom of the post a spot where you can add a label to your post. I'd like each of you to put your name in that box so I can isolate your posts. Thanks!