Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poverty in America

Poverty in American has risen to %15.1. It has not been this high since 1993. Due to our economy, this result is not surprising. With so many people out of jobs, this only makes sense. About 2.6 million more people are in poverty compared to last year. Middle-class income was said to have fallen in 2010. While most households saw their incomes fall last year, those making $100,000 or more have seen a rise in income. There has been a shift in where the income has gone. Percentages of states below poverty are all different throughout the country. North Carolina has %17.4 below poverty. Mississippi, the state with the most below poverty, has %22.7 below poverty. New Hampshire, the state with the least below poverty, has %6.6 below poverty. As you can see, it varies throughout the country. It also varies with age. The poverty rate of those aged 64 and under has all risen. Those 18 and under has risen the most. The poverty rate of those 65 and older has not changed as much. All of this information comes from a new census that was released last Tuesday. Not only does this census make us aware of our nation's poverty, it also shows us the need for a good strong jobs plan. Will Obama's plan be strong enough to get our country out of poverty and back to where we were in 2000 at %11.3?

Source: CNN

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