Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Senate Compromise Avoids Government Shutdown
Health Insurance
Sarah Palin for Office?
So, will Palin run? If so, she has a lot of work to do from now until mid-October concerning her eligibility for running… For one thing, she and her team will have to send a letter of candidacy to the Secretary of State in Utah if she wants her name to appear on that state’s ballot. Then, the same must be done for Florida if she wants the Republican vote. And that's just the beginning.
If Ms. Palin does not run, however, it's said that her pick for president is Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. But the questions is this: will Palin be backing Perry in the race for president, or herself?
We shall see...
Disaster Relief Spending
National Forest Care
As President Barack Obama's administration takes up the crucial but contentious issue, it is under intense scrutiny from competing interest groups that hope to shape the plan to their liking. Neither environmentalists nor business interests are happy with the first draft of the new forest rule. Conservation groups say it lacks adequat protection for wildlife and water and gives individual forest managers too much discretion in how to carry out the plan. Business groups say some of its provisions to protect species could end up kicking ranchers, timber companies and others off the land. The first draft of the Forest Service plan focuses for the first time on how to strengthen the health of forests in the face of climate change and includes enhanced protections for water resources and watersheds, updated provisions for sustainable recreation, and a requirement that the land be managed for such multiple uses as mining, logging, energy production, outdoor recreation and wilderness protection.The final plan, which does not require congressional approval, is expected to be published in November.
In-state Tuition for Undocumented Students
Monday, September 26, 2011
Is "No Child Left Behind" History?
Friday morning, ten years after the Bush administration’s landmark attempt to revamp the nation's education system with the No Child Left Behind law (by 2014 be proficient in math and reading), President Obama proposed to allow states to opt out of the heavily criticized guidelines. He believes education standards needs to be redifined and the focus should be on preparing students to be college and career ready. The law, which passed with broad bipartisan support in 2001, required public schools to meet targets aimed at making all students proficient in reading and math by 2014 or face stiff penalties. Obama's new proposal is that states and districts will have to set basic guidelines to evaluate a teacher's performance based on a number of factors, not simply student performance. The purpose is not to give states and districts a reprieve from accountability, but rather to unleash energy to improve our schools at the local level,” President Obama said in a statement released by the White House. One of the major criticisms of the current No Child Left Behind guidelines is that it encouraged schools to lower standards rather than improve.The new guidelines "should reduce the pressure to teach the test and the narrowing of the curriculum," one administration official said. Some critics fear the new guidelines will give the federal government an even larger role in state's education decisions, but Obama administration officials deny the accusation maintaining the new guidelines will actually give states more flexibility including how to spend 20% of their Title I money, which funds low-income education and can account for as much as one billion dollars nationwide.
GOP Nomination Confusion
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Federal Regulations
Tax Increase on the Rich
Gallup Poll on the Race Between Perry and Romney
Trust in Government?
Many people have stopped trusting the government because of various past occurrences. Especially in terms of Social Security. LZ Granderson, a journalist for CNN, said that even though he has paid into Social Security he does not expect to benefit from it. He says that the "reform can keeps getting kicked down a road that's getting shorter and shorter by a bunch of politicians who know better but are too afraid of losing voters who won't be around when the money's all gone anyway". On Monday, Obama introduced another plan without touching Social Security. Obama didn't say he and the members of Congress might not get paid if the debt ceiling wasn't raised, but that Social Security and military checks may not go out. Politicians use Social Security as one of its many chess pieces to manipulate people to vote a certain way. GOP presidential candidates are saying whatever they can to appease their base (except for Jon Huntsman, which is why he is in last place) . "It's all a game, and election after election, we keep getting played" (Granderson). With all this dishonesty coming from politicians, why should the American people trust the government? If our politicians are only looking out for their best interests, our country is not going to get anywhere.
Repeal of ban on gay military service
A leading advocate, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, said Monday the repeal is overdue."Our nation will finally close the door on a fundamental unfairness for gays and lesbians, and indeed affirm equality for all Americans," the California Democrat said.
Existing standards of personal conduct, such as those pertaining to public displays of affection, will continue regardless of sexual orientation.
'Dissatisfied' is an Understatement
Obama's Debt Reduction Plan
source= MSNBC and The Washington Post
Monday, September 19, 2011
Debt Cuts
Today Barack Obama unveiled a plan, which ended the Bush-era tax breaks, and called for $1.5 trillion in new taxes in an attempt to slow the nation's escalating national debt. If everything goes according to plan, this new debt cut will cut the national debt by roughly $3 trillion over the next decade. “If we don’t act, the growing debt will eventually crowd out everything else, preventing us from investing in education and programs like Medicare,” he said.
The main idea behind this proposal is that high-income individuals and corporations should pay more taxes. This means individuals earning more than $200,000 a year and families earning more than $250,000 will have to bear more of the burden and are likely to be left worse off by the proposed changes to the U.S. tax system. Obama strongly believes this is the right course of action and states he “will not support any plan that puts all the burden on ordinary Americans.”Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Obama's Jobs Bill
GOP Candidates vs. Rick Perry
This week I followed the CNN GOP Tea Party debate which was on Monday. One of the highlights of this debate was Congresswomen Michelle Bachmann’s criticism of Governor Rick Perry’s executive order in 2007 to vaccinate Texas girls against human papillomavirus. Senator Rick Santorum agreed with the Bachmann, and throughout the night criticized Governor Perry. Perry was also criticized for signing the Texas DREAM Act in 2001, which granted in-state tuition to some children of illegal immigrants during the debate. Most of the issues Perry was criticized for would have most likely not have been mentioned in a Democrat debate. Does this mean Rick Perry would be too liberal for the nomination? Or does this mean his opponents are more conservative?
Executive order=An order issued by a government’s executive on the basis of authority specifically granted to the executive branch.
source: CNN (TV)
American Jobs Act
In Obama's speech last Thursday, he laid out a plan to get America back to work, focused on his proposed American Jobs Act. In this speech, he strongly encouraged Congress to pass the $450 billion jobs package. Obama challenged congress to put the good of the nation over political benefit and pass the huge jobs plan. He said the purpose is to “to put more people back to work and more money in the pockets of those who are working.” I'm sure he also hopes this will increase his chances of being re-elected and boost his approval rating. Obama believes we we need to rebuild the economy the American way, based on balance, fairness, and the same set of rules for everyone from Wall Street to Main Street. We can do this by creating jobs of the future by helping small business entrepreneurs, by investing in education, and by making things the world buys. He hopes to provide more jobs which will “jolt the economy”. The economy desperately needs this “jolt”, but is Congress ready to back it up? “Everything in this bill,” Obama explained “will be paid for.” But, the question is, by whom? He tells us that he is asking the 12-member super-committee Congress set up under the debt ceiling bill to add another $450 billion or so to the $1.5 trillion in savings it is charged to come up with. The next few weeks will tell whether Congress will rise to meet Obama's challenge.
Source: ABC news (tv)
Israel Policy Hurting Obama's Campaign
Poverty Rate Highest in 18 Years
The report also found the percentage of people covered by private health insurance dropped slightly, from 64.5 percent to 64.0 percent, while the percentage covered by government health insurance increased from 30.6 percent to 31.0 percent.
For a family of four, the census set the poverty line at a combined annual income of $22,314. For a single person, the level is set at $11,139. The nation’s median household income last year was $49,445, 2.3 percent lower than 2009 levels.
This could be categorized as the great depression of our generation. While perhaps more toned down now, it is still difficult for Americans to get a job in something they even went to college for.
Source: Politico
Poverty in America
Source: CNN
Perry Wrestles With His Political Past
GOP Debate: Romney, Perry, and Bachmann
Sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express, a GOP Presidential debate in Florida occurred yestereday (13 September) ten days before the FL straw poll. The candidates present were Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum. All of the candidates spoke, but considering how long each one spoke made it clear which of them are truly in the running. I think that those two are Romney and Perry. Although stats show that Perry was leading Romeny 32% to 21%, Romney was able to play offense last night during the debate, squaring off against Perry on the issue of Social Security. Perry also suffered major blows from Bachmann and Santorum concerning the HPV vaccine. Despite his argument that he was “airing on the side of life”, the audience was still unsatisfied. Even though Bachmann had a successful night last night, bashing Perry and winning applause from the audience, I still don't think that she has a shot at the presidency. Upon listening to this debate, I would say that Romney is leading, with Perry and Bachmann behind. But who will be our next president? I guess we'll have to see...
The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/florida-republican-presidential-debate-winners-and-losers/2011/09/12/gIQAFKgHOK_blog.html?wpisrc=nl_politics)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Obama's Approval Rating Reaches an All-Time Low
How Italy's Austerity Plan Affects U.S.
Under pressure to balance out the budget by 2013, Silvio Berlusconi (leader of the mass center-right political party—one of the largest in Europe) is responsible for the recent, major austerity cuts in Italy, which have in turn affectd the global market economy. Italian students held a strike today though in opposition to the austerity budget plans, claiming that it “fails to create jobs while putting too much burden on workers.” (NPR) Italy is the “United State's 16th largest trading-partner, with total bilateral trade of $42.7 billion comprised of exports to Italy totaling $14.2 billion and imports from Italy worth $28.5 billion.” (www.state.gov). As if our debt crisis isn't enough, our economy is suffering even more from the close economic connection we have with Italy.
The Washington Post
3. NPR
Vocabulary / Political jargon
Austerity— Difficult economic conditions created by government measures to reduce a budget deficit, esp. by reducing public expenditure.
“The Italian parliament was expected to begin debating a new austerity program of tax increases and budget cuts, and unions planned to strike in opposition.”
From: “U.S. Markets Down as Crisis in Europe Deepens” The Washington Post, 6 September 2011
G-8 (The Group of Eight)— (formerly the G6 or Group of Six) is a forum, created by France in 1975, for the governments of eight major economies: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Russia.
“The United States and Italy cooperate closely on major economic issues, including within the G-8.”
From: Background Note: Italy, “Italy-US Economic Relations” www.state.gov, 12 May 2011
Lower Manhattan: Rising from the ashes
FEMA Disaster Aid Account Running Low
Educational Issues
Big increases in educational spending by the government over the past few years has not yielded a better educational product. For example, one school district spent almost $16,000 per student, three times more than a different district, and yet the students had similar test scores. Obviously money cannot buy wisdom. Instead of improving education, government spending has bought more teachers and professional staff. In Texas during the 2010-2011 school year, nearly 5 million students attended, up 19 percent from 2000-2001. The number of classroom teachers in the state's public schools rose 23 percent during the same period. Increased spending on education has not improved average student achievement and behavioral problems have also worsened. Many conservatives blame these issues on corrupt teachers, administrator organizations, colleges of education, etc. This is true to an extent, however, fixing schools depends of fixing families first. Many kids are distracted by their dysfunctional families and find it too hard to concentrate and work hard academically. An Educational Testing Service report concluded that educational progress was unlikely apart from “increasing marriage rates and getting gathers back into the business of nurturing children.”
Source: World Magazine
Paul's new ad
The Paul campaign confirms to CNN that they will spend six figures to run the commercial in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two states to vote in the primary and caucus calendar, and that they'll email a web version of the ad out to a couple of million supporters.
Basically the ad shows that Paul , as a young politician, stood by Reagen as a leader despite all the opposition. While Perry chose Gore who was wanting to raise spending and raise taxes.
This shows that in politics absolutely everything you do and support will always be associated with your career. I believe that Paul is focusing on Perry because he feels he is the major threat as a potential candidate and is getting his campaigning in early.
-Jackson R.
Election 2012: Contrasts Between Obama and the Republicans
President Obama's Approval Rating Dips to All-time Low
Monday, September 5, 2011
Extra credit opportunities
Mrs. P
Finance Problems
My source for this was cnn.