Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sarah Palin for Office?

Sarah Palin has been uncommonly quiet in the political world in the last few weeks… Fox news hasn't featured her in a while, and even her twitter and Facebook accounts show no recent activity. The reason for this, according to Tim Crawford (the chief of her political action committee), is because she is "on the verge of making her decision of whether or not to run for office."

So, will Palin run? If so, she has a lot of work to do from now until mid-October concerning her eligibility for running… For one thing, she and her team will have to send a letter of candidacy to the Secretary of State in Utah if she wants her name to appear on that state’s ballot. Then, the same must be done for Florida if she wants the Republican vote. And that's just the beginning.

If Ms. Palin does not run, however, it's said that her pick for president is Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. But the questions is this: will Palin be backing Perry in the race for president, or herself?

We shall see...

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