Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Government Distrust
Herman Cain's Abortion Flip-Flop
Perry’s Economic Plan
Gadhafi gone
Obama's Foreign Policy Successes
Republicans Make Judicial Power an Issue
"These threats go far beyond normal campaign season posturing,” said Bert Brandenburg, executive director of Justice At Stake, a research and advocacy group that seeks to protect judicial independence. “They sound populist, but the proposal is to make courts answer to politicians and interest groups.” But then Marjorie Dannenfelser countered Brandenburg's statement.“I don’t think it’s an anticourt movement,” Ms. Dannenfelser said. “It’s a purifying of the court — trying to return it to where it should be.” However people take it, it seems as though the Republicans have more favor in their campaign ideas to reduce the power of the judicial system.
National Bi-literacy = Un-American?
At Coral Way Elementary School in Miami, FL, students are immersed in both English and Spanish. Before lunch, all of the classes are taught in Spanish, and after lunch, they switch to English. This particular decision was part of the after-affects of the Cold War, where several refugees fleeing from Fidel Castro resided in Florida. So, naturally, the school promotes Spanish just as much as English so that the children won't forget their Cuban roots. However, there are some states (such as California, Arizona, Colorado, and Massachusetts) that have banned "bi-literacy" --the term for not just speaking, but reading and writing spanish--in schools because they think it is un-American. Although this might be the opinion among those Americans, there is a vast majority arguing that, due to the increasing number of spanish-speaking immigrants, it is actually becoming invaluable to be able to know both English and Spanish. So much so that there are many companies that hire people based on their ability to speak not just english, but Spanish as well. This "melting pot" that we have come to embrace about our country is every day giving more and more reasons why bi-literacy is not just a "plus" but also expected by many businesses and, now, public schools. Is it un-American to have two national languages? I don't think so. In my opinion, everything that America stands for--life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--can be strengthened by a bilingual population. And as Rosa de la O states: "it opens the door to the American Dream".
Source: NPR-- Two Languages, Many Voices, "In Miami, School Aims For 'Bi-Literate' Education"
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Affects of Gadhafi's death on U.S. Politics
Following Gadhafi's death Thursday, Obama pledged his support to Libya's future and was celebrating this "momentous day in the history of Libya". However, many people are wondering about the president's own future. It is ironic that Obama, who was elected largely for domestic concerns has payed a lot of attention to foreign affairs, while his approval ratings on state issues continues to sink deeper. Many presidents often drift more into foreign policy initiatives, both as a way to boost their legacies and make a big impact. But the question is, what impact will his overseas successes have on his standing -- and re-election prospects -- here at home? With a struggling economy, terrorism and war are not exactly on the top of the agenda. The most important issue on Americans' minds is not foreign affairs, but unemployment and jobs. Domestic issues reign supreme, and so it's hard to say that the credit Obama will get for these successes abroad will be enough to turn back the tide of his sinking poll numbers.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Occupy Problems
-There is no leader for the protests. In past rebellions there where leaders like Vladimir Lenin and Mao
-Occupy protests have no direct demands. Although they argue for social equality and no more big government...they have no clear direct demands.
-What do they expect to achieve? Occupy protesters aren't sure what they will get from the government or Wall Street.
These are few problems with the occupy protests. Does this mean that they won't succeed? No, but it does hamper there validity in their protests.
Source CNN TV
Deficit Panel: Not much progress
The Target on Herman Cain's back
"Civil", right?
This is also something that could spiral out of control very quickly, especially since there is no recognized leader of these people. And with the nervous and anxious NYPD reacting the way it has there really is no telling what will happen next.
I think it's fitting that this sort of "civil rights" movement is happening alongside the opening of the Martin Luther King Jr. monument. And how certain comparisons can be made between the two, if to a somewhat lesser degree.
GOP Debate
Cain might have to clarify why he said that he was going to have a fence 20 feet high, have barbed wire on top, and be electrified. Was he just joking or was he serious? If he was joking, then like Bachmann said, "This is not a joke. It is a serious issue".
Tonight will also give the other candidates a chance to fire away at Romney, the front-runner. His conservative credentials will most likely be questioned. But as Castellanos says, "These attacks just bounce off his force field and he comes out stronger and more presidential in every debate". Will he be able to maintain his lead after the debate tonight or will the other candidates tear him down?
Texas gov. Rick Perry needs a very strong debate tonight. Perry has admitted that debates are not his strong suit. This is part of why he has faded in the polls. If tonight is another weak debate for him he may be out of the race for good. In order to have a strong debate, Perry needs to explain how he would create jobs and growth. Cain has already done this with his 9-9-9 plan. Because of Cain's 9-9-9 plan, he is now one of the front-runners of the race. If Perry can explain how he would create jobs and growth he might be able to boost his numbers.
For Bachmann, the debate tonight brings another opportunity for her to try to jump-start her campaign. After having been overshadowed by Perry, Bachmann needs to jump-start her campaign again. Will she be able to do that in the debate tonight?
For Santorum the debate tonight gives another opportunity to go on the attack and criticize his opponents.
You can expect little more than lines that will get applause from the audience for Newt Gingrich. He excels at debates but has not been able to monopolize on his debate successes.
Out of the seven candidates, Ron Paul has the least on the line tonight. Regardless of his debate performances, he has still been able to energize his supporters.
Huntsman, on the other hand, is not even going to the debate tonight. Huntsman is placing all his chips on New Hampshire and boycotting the showdown to protest Nevada's decision to hold its caucus on January 14. Nearly every debate has had an impact on the polls in the race for the nomination. Not getting any TV exposure is a heavy price that Huntsman is willing to pay.
Tonight's showdown will be very important for each of the candidates.
Obama Losing Voters?
Contrary to what some Pro-bama voters may think, from recent analysis in preparation for the upcoming election, Obama may not have the presidency in the bag. Due to recent polling and surveying of public opinions on the 2012 election, Republicans are much more enthusiastic about voting that Democrats. Fifty-nine percent of voters don't even believe that Obama's policies will be successful in the future (a statistic that has gone up from 47% in 2010). That leaves only 36% of voters rooting for Obama. Now, these are simply estimates based on broad polls to gain a general perspective on the situation. However, most of the time they are very near to the truth of the matter. Still, we can throw around numbers all day and try to guess the turnout of the election, but no one will know anything for certain until next term. Either way, Obama should not only be aware of this situation, but possible worried for the weight that his candidacy will pull in 2012.
Lying: First Amendment Right?
Then it got interesting. A panel in the US Court of Appeals reversed the ruling. Judge Milan D. Smith Jr. said, “There would be no constitutional bar to criminalizing lying about one’s height, weight, age or financial status on Match.com or Facebook, or falsely representing to one’s mother that one does not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, is a virgin, or has not exceeded the speed limit while driving on the freeway. The sad fact is,” he continued, “most people lie about some aspects of their lives from time to time.” They felt that if they made it illegal to lie about earning something they didn't really earn, it would have to be illegal to lie about all "white lies, exaggerations, and deceptions."
However, some people want Alvarez to be retried because they feel that Congress is entitled “to guard against dilution of the reputation and meaning of the medals.” They aren't planning to, though, because the Chief Justice John G. Roberts is one who usually favors free speech cases which appears to be the case in United States v. Alvarez.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Occupy Wall Street
The Occupy Wall Street movement, which swept across the United States as thousands demanded that government institutions change to help fix a struggling economy, gained a major boost as the world began to come together in solidarity over shared economic frustrations. Protests have lasted for 31days and many are wondering how long a leaderless, vaguely defined movement will last. With the help of continued economic discontent, growing media coverage, and the use of internet and social media in bringing possible demonstrators together, the movement seems to be gaining speed. Over the weekend, 19 more people were arrested in Washington, D.C., by Supreme Court police, while over 90 were taken into police custody in New York. There are several causes, but the main theme remains the same: populist anger over an out-of-touch corporate, financial, and political elite. Many are wondering whether Occupy Wall Street will eventually become a liberal counterweight to the conservative populism of the tea party movement. If the tea party was a conservative response to President Barack Obama's economic bailout plan in the spring of 2009, Occupy Wall Street came about partly due to liberals' reaction to the outcome of this summer's bitter debt-ceiling debate. Obama and other top Democrats ultimately agreed to over $2 trillion in spending cuts without any tax hikes on Wall Street financiers or others considered responsible for the economic crisis.
I thought this was interesting considering that we've been studying the influences of public opinion on what politicians pay attention to and the importance of political elites.
Source: CNN
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Chris Christie Will Not Run for GOP Nomination
We'll Miss Chris ):
After wrestling with the decision on whether or not to run for the presidency, republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has finally chosen to stay out of the election this year, simply stating that "Now is not my time". This decision was a rather large, yet not unexpected blow to some Republicans who were hopping to equip themselves with a strong opponent who could stand a good chance against Obama. They thought that because of Christie's tough, blunt personality, he might be that representative. However, it looks like the GOP candidate race will remain a toss up between Perry and Romney, as their rivalry continues to flourish.
Sources -
The New York Times
New GOP Bids
Deficit Reduction
Despite costly failure, the Obama administration pours billions into alternative energy companies such as Solyndra. Obama's is committed to green jobs and the U.S. Department of Energy is backing almost $40 billion in loans. Monday Obama said he does not regret a half-billion dollar government loan to the now-bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra and vigorously defended his administration’s policy of providing assistance to similar entities. The government has hired SolarCity to work at 124 U.S. Military bases over the next five years, installing 160,000 housing units, warehouses, and administrative buildings. According to the Department of Energy, one of its goals is to support novel technologies such as these that are “not yet supported in the commercial marketplace”. Solyndra's failure illustrates that private investors aren't willing to shoulder financing these risky projects. Market forces and cheap solar panels from China kept Solyndra from being a profitable power option even while $535 million in loans guarantees kept the company afloat. After the Department of Energy refused Solyndra more loans, the company filed for bankruptcy with $784 million in debt. After Solyndra claimed they were bankrupt, Obama was asked whether or not he regretted the $535 million in loans in 2009. “No I don’t,” the president said, “Because if you look at the overall portfolio of loan guarantees that had been provided, overall it’s doing well. And what we always understood is that not every single business is going to succeed in clean energy.”
Sources: World & CNN
Civil Right to Speech
He was asked to clarify and he said, "they're the enemy" adding that by "they" he meant Obama and Biden. The anchor later said to him, "You used the name of one of the most hated people in all of the world to describe, I think, the president." Williams replied, "Well, that is true. But I'm telling you like it is." He also said that Obama and Biden were like the three stooges.
Here we see freedom of speech in action. In most countries being compared to Hitler is no small offense.
Williams released a statement through his publicist, saying: "Some of us have strong opinions and are often misunderstood. My analogy was extreme — but it was to make a point. I was simply trying to explain how stupid it seemed to me — how ludicrous that pairing was. They're polar opposites and it made no sense. They don't see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the president."
2012 Election: The "Underdog"
In an effort for Obama to not "make news", he has been avoiding answering questions about his views on topics like same-sex marriage. He says he's still working on it. Some suspect he simply doesn’t want to come out for gay marriage ahead of the 2012 election, for fear it will alienate voters who disagree. One can infer from previous events as well as what is happening currently, though, that Obama only has slim chances of making it back to the White House next year.