Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Civil", right?

This whole "Occupy Wall street" thing has been going on for awhile now and I think it's important people start paying attention. But to also realize what it is. Essentially it's a bunch of angry middle class Americans frustrated with the economy and figure it must be "the Man's" fault. And while I believe what they're doing is helping somewhat (bringing attention to the fact that something has to be done) they're not really helping themselves really anyone else by doing it. Away from their jobs and causing chaos in New York, they are not helping the problem.
This is also something that could spiral out of control very quickly, especially since there is no recognized leader of these people. And with the nervous and anxious NYPD reacting the way it has there really is no telling what will happen next.
I think it's fitting that this sort of "civil rights" movement is happening alongside the opening of the Martin Luther King Jr. monument. And how certain comparisons can be made between the two, if to a somewhat lesser degree.

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