Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama's Presidential Address

Last night, President Obama gave an address concerning various topics from the economy to clean energy to foreign affairs. He focused primarily on how America needs unity among the people. He takes a more moderate approach appealing to both parties and mentioning areas where almost everyone agrees on one solution. I feel like he gave more answers in last night's address than he has in a long time; he mentioned several plans that he has proposed or will propose to Congress and suggested some ideas for bills he would, without a shadow of a doubt, approve as soon as it reached his desk. Some of these are the Trade Enforcement Unit which will regulate unfair foreign exchanges, expanding tax reliefs to small businesses who are creating jobs, and asking to pass clean energy tax credits.

The GOP response immediately following Obama's address specifically targeted and contradicted Obama's proposal to raises taxes on millionaires and billionaires. Mitch Daniels, who delivered the response, said that he felt Obama was trying to divide America by supporting some but "castigating" others (meaning wealthy Americans). A quote from Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, "The president's agenda sounds less like 'built to last' and more like doomed to fail. What he's proposing is more of the same: more taxes, more spending, and more regulation." I would personally like to hear a Republican candidate propose better solutions because, based on what I have heard and read, it doesn't seem like any of them are planning to do anything drastic enough to make a distinguishable difference.

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