Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Romney - Most Likely the GOP Nominee

Recent polls show that 3/4 of people view Romney as the GOP nominee, that Romney is trailing Obama, and that voters favor Romney on economic issues but like Obama more. As of now 51% of people would vote for Obama and 44% of people would vote for Romney. Santorum, who is still in the race, had to cancel some of his campaign events yesterday and today because of his daughter being in the hospital. On April 24th Pennsylvania will hold its primary. Santorum must win this primary or there is no hope for his candidacy. One main thing that has helped Romney create his lead over Santorum is how much money he has been able to spend. The Romney campaign and the superPAC supporting it have spent millions of dollars on negative ads. Santorum has less than half of Romney's delegate total. However, the primary races after April 24 have blocked for Santorum so far. 231 delegates are up for grabs after April 24 in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Gingrich, who only has 140 delegates, has said he will stay in the race until the Republican National Convention in August. It looks as if the goal for both Gingrich and Santorum is to prevent Romney from reaching 1,144 delegate threshold before the Convention.

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