Tuesday, January 10, 2012

High Stakes New Hampshire Race

Tonight the results from the New Hampshire Primary will be revealed. The turnout has been steady and so far Romney has a win and a tie. He beat Ron Paul 5 - 4 in Hart's location and tied with Huntsman in Dixville Notch. In the Democratic primary Obama received all the votes in both locations (Harts and Dixville Notch). Late polls have shown Huntsman and Paul running neck-and-neck for second place. Since Iowa, Gingrich has been pounding against Romney. He doesn't think Romney is the right guy to go up against Obama. Perry sided with Gingrich in attacking Romney's business record. As of now, Romney tops most national polling and is ahead in the latest surveys in South Carolina and Florida, the next two states to hold contests following New Hampshire. On Monday in one off his speeches he had a slip up. He said, "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me,". "You know, if someone doesn't give me the good service I need, I want to say, 'You know, I'm going to go get someone else to provide that service to me.' " The first seven words of that sentence -- "I like being able to fire people," dangled like low-hanging fruit, and some of Romney's rivals pounced.

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